I also did not know this bit of history! >sigh< Too many awful/mediocre men with delusions of their superiority in positions of power; sadly, some things never change.

But mother Marie! Very impressed. Impossible to say of course, but can't help wondering if her son could have been a better person if she'd had a more of a hand in his upbringing.

'Elena... “parlayed flaming red hair, green eyes, white flesh and sauntering hips” ' - any relation? ;)

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Hahahaha! I do not have what it takes to be a royal mistress, lol!

It’s true, Marie was kept away from her children when they were young. I think in general, there isn’t a good track record of tutors having a good influence on their royal charges. I believe Edward VIII had a bad experience too.

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This was a fascinating read Adina, I knew nothing about the Romanian monarchy! Carol really was a piece of work

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He was, and that’s even in the context of Romanian politics of the time, which were terrible.

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